Ganoderma Lucidum
Ganoderma Lucidum
DXN Coffee with Ganoderma Lucidum neutralizes acids accumulated in the body and not feel the burning in the common stomach of industrialized coffee with other chemicals cause heartburn.
Organic coffee is using DXN Brazil (with an amount of 0.06% caffeine per gram) of the Arabica species of the highest quality.
Coffee usually not advised for people with gastritis acidity, but this coffee with Ganoderma is completely healthy, is decaffeinated and alkaline.
-The Ganoderma Lucidum effectively acts in gastritis, their ability to act at the cellular level accelerating the production of defenses that strengthen the immune system.
-help Fight any virus or bacteria that try to attack the human body,
'In the specific case of gastritis, the combination of the compounds in Ganoderma Lucidum helps fight bacteria Helicobacter pyloris that causes the disease.
Scientific research and experiments ensured the positive effects of Ganoderma lucidum DXN from all points of view, especially with regard to its blood purifying effect as it improves blood circulation and quality of cells. the proper functioning of the internal organs makes it possible weak physical condition improves and strengthens the immune system. It has proven effective in the treatment of diseases caused by inadequate blood circulation. It helps maintain health and fitness.
Surprisingly, you can lower or raise tension. Because the Ganoderma Lucidum harmonizes body functions, extensive self-healing capacity and that can strengthen the immune system.
Organic coffee is using DXN Brazil (with an amount of 0.06% caffeine per gram) of the Arabica species of the highest quality.
Coffee usually not advised for people with gastritis acidity, but this coffee with Ganoderma is completely healthy, is decaffeinated and alkaline.
-The Ganoderma Lucidum effectively acts in gastritis, their ability to act at the cellular level accelerating the production of defenses that strengthen the immune system.
-help Fight any virus or bacteria that try to attack the human body,
'In the specific case of gastritis, the combination of the compounds in Ganoderma Lucidum helps fight bacteria Helicobacter pyloris that causes the disease.
Scientific research and experiments ensured the positive effects of Ganoderma lucidum DXN from all points of view, especially with regard to its blood purifying effect as it improves blood circulation and quality of cells. the proper functioning of the internal organs makes it possible weak physical condition improves and strengthens the immune system. It has proven effective in the treatment of diseases caused by inadequate blood circulation. It helps maintain health and fitness.
Surprisingly, you can lower or raise tension. Because the Ganoderma Lucidum harmonizes body functions, extensive self-healing capacity and that can strengthen the immune system.
t supports the body in the following diseases:
· Gives energy and rejuvenates the body
· Give power to the immune system
Improves blood circulation (which benefits against coronary insufficiency,
hemorrhoids, prevent heart attacks, unclogs arteries, combats
atherosclerosis,obesity, improving sexual performance, etc.) Helps treat
anxiety, high blood pressure, hepatitis, bronchitis, flu, insomnia and asthma
· Make anti-allergenic activity
· It is anti-inflammatory
• It is an anti-bacterial
· It is a powerful anti oxidant
· Generates anti-tumor activity
• It is an anti-viral
· Relaxes the nervous system and muscles (Support against depression,
stress and neurosis)
· Improves mood
· Lowers blood pressure
· Strengthens bones
· Performs a cardiotonic, lowers "bad" cholesterol,
improves myocardial function
· Destroy cancer cells
· Clean the kidneys and liver, intestines desinflama
· Optimizes the use of oxygen in the body and improves sinusitis
Fights dizziness and chronic fatigue
· ANTI-TUMOR (at any stage)
· Gives energy and rejuvenates the body
· Give power to the immune system
Improves blood circulation (which benefits against coronary insufficiency,
hemorrhoids, prevent heart attacks, unclogs arteries, combats
atherosclerosis,obesity, improving sexual performance, etc.) Helps treat
anxiety, high blood pressure, hepatitis, bronchitis, flu, insomnia and asthma
· Make anti-allergenic activity
· It is anti-inflammatory
• It is an anti-bacterial
· It is a powerful anti oxidant
· Generates anti-tumor activity
• It is an anti-viral
· Relaxes the nervous system and muscles (Support against depression,
stress and neurosis)
· Improves mood
· Lowers blood pressure
· Strengthens bones
· Performs a cardiotonic, lowers "bad" cholesterol,
improves myocardial function
· Destroy cancer cells
· Clean the kidneys and liver, intestines desinflama
· Optimizes the use of oxygen in the body and improves sinusitis
Fights dizziness and chronic fatigue
· ANTI-TUMOR (at any stage)